Karen Foley, Support Teacher, EMTAS, School Improvement Liverpool

Suzanne from KCLC has had a tremendous impact on the Family Learning Programme.
Suzanne has now become integral to the Programme. She delivers one of the six sessions that the Programme comprises of which is delivered to the EAL parents.
I have to say her sessions produce the most fun!

Suzanne’s approach is extremely professional and engaging. Parents warm to her very quickly. It is amazing to witness how quickly the language barrier almost disappears under her influence.
Due to Suzanne’s many years teaching experience she is able to determine what the parents would like for themselves. This ranges from general English conversation, ESOL, Work experience and craft sessions. ( you can add more info here!) KCLC is also able to help parents with their CVs. 
The way in which Suzanne presents the services offered by KCLC gives the parents confidence. As a result they are responsive and eager to work with KCLC.

This has been demonstrated by the fact that after the 6 weeks of running my Programme in schools. Suzanne often follows me delivering a requested course to the EAL parents.
It is a pleasure to work with KCLC and Suzanne. We are hoping to further develop our links.
I would strongly recommend schools getting in touch with KCLC to see what they can further offer EAL parents.

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